HSP - part two, I guess!?
The more I learn about HSP, the more it helps me to understand myself.
It is like I had all those puzzle pieces (sensitive - skin, head, teeth, feelings, etc) and now I've found the box with the picture on it, so I can finally assemble it.
In the last few days, I had moments over and over again where I suddenly realised why I do things the way I do them, and why react to things the way I do.
On top of that is that my head seems to race through my past, which let's me understand it better as well.
So, my head has been and is still buzzing with information. Nice, but also quite tiring.
Today, for example, I watch a film and noticed that certain scenes made me feel uncomfortable, so I skipped them. Now, I have watched this and other films before, and would occasionally skip scenes. Partly, because I like skipping through films, especially when I've seen them before, but I didn't really notice that I'm also doing it because certain scenes make me feel uncomfortable.
In the audiobook (The Highly Sensitive Person's - Complete learning Program by Elaine Aron PhD), I'm currently listening to, it was mentioned that many HSP's have the same problem.
Looking at myself through that new and sharpened HSP lens, helps me to discover more and more stuff like that. Though, sometimes it's hard to admit those things to yourself.
At the same time, I find it very exciting reviewing myself from this new perspective, which mainly happens subconsciously, at least with me.
Since I find it difficult to sit down at home, simply because there are too many distractions, I decided to go back into therapy. There I have not only a person I can talk to, but also 50 minutes where I “have” to concentrate on the matter ad hand.
This time the sessions are not weekly, but rather on a loosely monthly basis.
I'll decide later if I want the sessions closer together or not.
Anyway, it's an exciting time for me and I'm looking forward to finally understanding myself.