09.07.2023 - My windscreen

Yesterday morning I woke up and noticed that I a crack in my windscreen. It's started in the lower left corner and had moved about to the height of my steering wheel.
So I'll go back to Oulu and stay there for two nights. Hopefully carglass there can replaced it within one or two days. Otherwise I'm stuck here even longer.

I think I had to high expectations and I have to work on that. This has happened to me before and it's not good because it's less enjoyable for yourself.
But hey, that's life!

The Fins are kind of distant towards me, probably towards any stranger, and so they seem a little dismissive. But they are not!
They are helpful and friendly when you ask them for help.

The weather had been rather bad and it rained a lot the last two days but today looks promising and after I had my breakfast, I'll hit the road again.
Come on Jack…


10.07.2023 - The trip comes to an early end


06.07.2023 - A long drive