12.07.2023 - Road home

This must have been the longest I've ever driven in one go. I left Oulu just gone 6am after I saw that I have now a second crack in mx windshield.Damn!

Long story short, I drove yesterday from Oulu (Finland) to Malmö (Sweden) in one go. This almost 2000Km long drive took me just under 21hours (incl. 1 hour time difference). I only stopped for fuel and toilet, AND I will never do this again because it was silly!

But I was surprised how well it went and how well I took it, but still, not again. When I finally laid my head down it was about 00:15.

Today the weather is rather dull today, it rains and I saw some lighting too. Maybe Sweden is crying because I'm leaving!?
I got quite wet on my way to the multi-storey carpark and on the way to the ferry it rained so much that you partly didn't see a thing, just like thick fog.

Now I'm waiting at the ferry to start boarding, and if everything is okay (customs etc.), I should be home in the evening and this nightmare has an end. Hopefully!

Well, after a 5h drive I got home and can report that nobody was interested in my cracked windscreen.
But it seemed though as if the custom officers were waiting for somebody...


25.07.2023 - After a trip is before a trip


10.07.2023 - The trip comes to an early end