14.09.2023 - South Wales
It rained all morning and only after 13:00 the sun only came out for a few minutes. At least it was mainly dry the rest of the day. Welcome to the UK I guess.
Joking aside, the last few days were very nice and too warm for me.
Now I'm in the southern part of Snowdonia and found a fairly nice parkup along the B4391, not far from Bala.
Earlier a bicycle rider came over to me and we were chatting for some time. At the end she decided to camp close by because she had some weird experience where she camped last night.
A car had stopped close by, they didn't know she was there, and had a rather big fight.The woman was screaming blue murder at times.
Why do people scream at each other? Especially when you're supposed to be in love? I never understood that.
However, the traffic is slowly getting less, not that this road is very busy, but it's nicer when there is nobody driving past.