Male friends

For quite some time now, I've been wondering why I always had more female than male friends.
In the past I tried to make/have male friends, but somehow I always felt more comfortable with women. Over the years I've made some male friends too, and one of them is one of my oldest friends, but when I look back to all the acquaintances I've had, there were probably four or five women I'd called friend, but only about two men.
Also, my closest friend is a woman, always has been.

Anyway, while I was taking down my curtains to wash them this morning, I had one of those conversations in my head. This one was with a male friend I recently had parted from. While "talking" to him, I had an epiphany (love this word).
Suddenly it was clear to me why I always had more female friends and felt more comfortable around them. Well, at least as long as I saw them only as friends, but that is another story.

The reason is that I really dislike this wannabe-alpha-male shit, many men put on when they're out and about. The silly thing is that all of them have no idea how a proper alpha-male behaves.
There was a study quite a while back that looked at the behaviour of wolf alpha-males. For that study, the researchers had put a pack in a confined space, so they could study them easier.
The alpha-male from that pack behaved like an arsehole (growling, biting others, making sure he got most of the food etc.) and so they thought this is the way alpha-makes behave. Right? WRONG!

When they studied was done on a pack in the wild, they saw a very different behaviour of the wolf alpha-male. Yes, he still growled or even bit another wolf, but only to make sure that the weaker once also got their share of food.

In captivity, he only wanted to survive because he was the strongest among them and needed to make sure that he would survive to have more offspring.
But in the wild, he is actually very social and makes sure that everybody gets what they need - food, protection etc.

However, as most men don't seem to know or don't want to know this, they quite often behave like an arsehole, thinking they need to show their "none existing" strengths. When in reality they would never make it as a leader.

I know that I'm not an alpha-male, but at least I never felt the need trying to be somebody or something I'm not.

Anyway, as from this morning forward, I finally understand why I have more female friends, and why it's more likely for me to make more in the future.


Silver Lining