06.07.2023 - A long drive

I woke up at 03:15 and felt really awake and refreshed. Well, I did fall asleep rather early yesterday. I think around 20:00.
I finally got up around 04:30 and so my day began quite early. But that was a goos thing because I wanted to reach or almost reach Finland today.

It's more difficult to back to sleep anyway because that time of day it's already light outside. This will get "worse" after I hit the Artic Circle because it's midsummer. That however will have to wait because first I'm going to the south of Finland.

What many people don't know is that the Artic Circle is moving:

The Arctic Circle is defined by the tilt of the Earth toward or away from the sun, which is known to fluctuate up to 2.4 degrees every 40,000 years or so. Currently, the Arctic Circle is actually moving north from Iceland at a rate of about 48 feet per year.
Ref: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/why-giant-concrete-sphere-will-move-50-feet-each-year-180965095/

The drive was very nice, except for once when pulled out of a patrol station and went into the wrong direction. I took me a while to notice and so I to drive a very small part twice.

I do really like driving in Scandinavia anyway. There are only a very small number of people who drive to close and push you. The only thing that is weird that they drive quite close before they pull out to overtake.
Well, since riding a motorbike in Russia, it takes more then that to make me nervous.

Because I drove over 700Km today, I rewarded myself with a room in a small Hotel just outside of Luleå.

This way it'll take me about 1h 30min or so to enter Finland. Yeah!


09.07.2023 - My windscreen


03.07.2023 - Time for my story