Life is short

About 2 weeks ago something happened that reminded me about something else that had happened about 1,5 years ago.

At work we have a daily newsletter, which informs us about various stuff, like the parking garage gets a new paint shop, this is happening today etc. It also informs us about colleagues that have past away.

When I opened the newsletter, I already had a bad feeling, and as I scrolled down I saw the "Im stillen Gedenken" entry. When I opened the link, I saw that a colleague of mine had died at only 47.

We weren't close but for a while I worked in the same department, and I really liked him. He was a soft spoken genuine family man.
Even though we weren't friends, his death has hit me harder than I thought it had.
For two days, I could see his face in other peoples faces. So, maybe we were friends and I had only forgotten.
R.I.P my friend!

For some reason this reminded me about my sister, and when she told me over 1,5 years ago that she had lung cancer. At the time it was "only" a pinhead sized Tumour in the left upper part of her lung.
The doctor removed one of the three parts of her lung. Apparently that is the normal procedure, which I find still weird. But hey, I'm not a doctor.

About 11 months later they found two more Tumours in another part of her left lung.
This time she got radiation treatment, which she responded well to, and the last screening showed that they had shrunk.

What I don't get is, that she carried on smoking, just like the 45 years before. She doesn't smoke a lot, but 45 years is a long time. Maybe she thinks it's no use to stop now!? Maybe she is right? I don't know.

There're a few things we all know how bad they are for us, and yet we keep on doing it or eating it. My ex-wife for example still smokes, even after I told her about my sister, and I eat to much sugar and I hardly exercise. Sometimes I wonder how intelligent we really are?

Maybe it has to be somebody that is close to us, or we feel close to, so it makes us think. Makes us to change.

It doesn't make me feel good that his death made me think about my life again, and why my sisters condition hadn't. Maybe it's because she is doing well?

Anyway, I'm not going to make big changes because changes scare me, but I will change some little things, try and get rid of at least one bad habit.

Quite often it's the little things that are more important or have the biggest effect.


The fear of being happy


No help wanted