08.06.2023 - Back in the Yorkshire Dales
The morning started nice enough but soon turned into a unpleasant one. A part from that I'm still not taking enough breaks, there was just too much traffic and the small roads are slowly getting to be less fun.
When I planned the route I thought of just driving past the Lake District and that is what I should have done.
Don't get me wrong it is absolutely beautiful there but not with so many terrorists, oops sorry, I meant tourists. I'm aware that I'm just one of them though and I wonder how the locals are coping with that!?
However I managed to escape the busy Lake District and now back in the Yorkshire Dales, which are crowing on me more and more.
I like the endless hills and the mixture of colours from dark green to yellowish brown. Also sheep are more friendly than humans.
Or as a friend of mine once said: "Humans, animals and flowers are stupid, stones are okay."
It's so nice to stop on top of a hill and except for the occasional car/motorbike going past, which will calm down soon, you hear just the wind, birds and sometime a sheep.
Also, there is, as usual, a nice breeze going, so the chance of mosquitoes are down by 90%