Backpacking or a Road-trip?

I shouldn't watch so many videos on YouTube, especially the once about photography because I sort of envy the people who make them. But I do watch them and so I was wondering if I should maybe do a road-trip instead of a backpacking one.

To be honest I can't make up my mind because both would be great to do but unfortunately I do not have enough time to do both. So, I made a pro and cons list to help me making a decision. Well, the Photo/Road-Trip won with 8 to 6 pro and 3 to 2 cons but I'm still not 100% sure.

I've been wanting to take a Photo-Trip for many years but failed to do so with my motorbike. Mainly because you can't take as much stuff on a bike (hiking boots etc.) and if you leave your bike somewhere to go for a hike, your stuff is not really secure.

Though I never had anything stolen, I still have mixed feelings when I leave my motorbike out of site. Not mentioning the fun of getting changed in a car park, especially in bad weather.

So, I do favour the road-trip simply because it's easier for me to accomplish it and I would stay in my comfort zone, something the backpacking trip would certainly take me out of. According to many people doing stuff out of our comfort zone is the only way to grow but I'm not so sure that this is always the case.

Maybe I should start small and divide my time off into a short(er) backpacking- and a longish road-trip!?

The only negative thing about that is, that I try and travel climate friendly and flying to a place is not. The climate thing has bothered me from the beginning when I started to plan for my backpacking trip. I know that I'm not the problem when I once fly to another country, it's all those constant business flyers and of course other stuff but I'm trying to be a good boy ;) Even though this is not what this blog is about, I needed to mention it because it influenced my decision.

However, if I decide to go on a road-trip I need to buy a van...


Changes changes changes changes


Oops, it's still growing